Feb's ebbs do a numbing to us all, at least here in the self importance land of navel raison, abject subject to not looking up and whatnot, you catch our driftwood, eh? As such, our comportments are ditched for underbellies, as they always already kind of were, and issues and sizzles of crackpot fischism lend only kindling to the nostalgic beach bread and good lits. TASKS, then. Click the woodcut TP for a near-regular daily, won'tcha? And to its right, the button box is a new little milagro we encountered - full disclosure on Patreon - but by clicking it, a narrative nasty, per usual, of this tisk tisk countenance we try not to spread with mumps and dour, but good god, make food and love and noise, sheesh. Time's up for the demockeracy, and so, hit back hard, and with willfulness.

Crank Sturgeon · yorse tori
Crank Sturgeon · sow lane
Crank Sturgeon · garish bagging for eClub
Crank Sturgeon · Stör {AN} EeL
January roles unrolling unspeakable awfulness and loss, yet we amble on, species intact with nerves frayed and eyes hard to shut from the particulate material aloft. Ah? It's not good but the spirit of upright thinking creatures still amazes, confounds, and produces weird beauty and marvels despite this; and yes, we would be naive to think this were over by a long shot - what better than to dream it out loud? We have created a hopefully daily series one can ascertain, scratch head, ignore, or abhor, by simply clicking on the multiple pregunta below.

And so it transpires, transposing our sleeves back to the SoCalorie and HS Annex, CatBox Studios, all the wriggle maw roles, hoots, boots, and walleyed cooter aplomb. We did part weight on a hi note, notices and notaries lending friend glue to an antifash gatherment at El Apo, and so, here are a few renderings, and we hope you soap them well.

Oh, and where we left you dangling that last time

dot dot dot, circa 2o24

Crank Sturgeon · can’t be bank
Crank Sturgeon · talking ice

And ahoj, the top zingers are recent river delta merges, ranging from a few years of pools gathered from a tiny field recorder, to wandering about the back forty on a hoary nibbled day, and zest investments proctored on our thump boxes, with the common karaoke cameo theme featuring that guy, again - what's his name, yeah him. And so, on that note, if one is feeling the seasonal gibbon to scratch further financial surfaces, we are also doing the longterm economic plan and rebooting a certain something something regarding proceeds, monetizing, and that sort of thing we do that stokes the stoves and keeps us rolling. Some even call them, ahem, Patreon. Click the fish link below if ye so desire.

Hank Jurgen writes:
Ack for the unackable, the tides do their hoary synchole, ol' charity and wenceforth wicked gnoats having pox and polly and bubos dubiously placed on each finger, tenwide and comely, what until the chipsteaks give up ad agencies and adjacent proxies belly up dollarwhiles and kyle end-greats, you knew the hewn, a bobble or kibble or dabble or ribald, this this this and that, ogles how woes go, taint the stymied aim four more, and chinstraps readied, digits curtailed, nailed and polished with A0K'ness spreaded in a sinewy harmony length tail about fire, about face, about racing to the front as fast as asps, yet and well, scroll betold in trial giggle proto shrinkmole, shirk equalling toll, shirts in a whole slew of aster and tannic combo trixies and pix, nobody wanted to water the frigate anywhen.

What all and wenceforth, we cannot prescript, although preparations and repair to the storm of gloats and utter shittery, well, that could be what the strummerman was singing to us all along. Conflagrations with lingo, maelstrom with gorcery receipt poems, and do not unforget to not pack the can of colorizer. Take heart, there are plenty of crevices within which to formulate and bring lenses together, for that is all we might. As such, and confessing outwardly, our partnership with satori gave off the following - so if one is inclined, do click the below scriptures for more insurance and insulation.

In keeping with the escapees, we're putting some of our sands into the back and forth triangle-headed persona below. Whiiiiile not much for commentary therabouts, it's a skeptical, perhaps less handwringy mode of internet commode browsing that is not all suckerpunch and bloated to the gills motherfucker by the prevalent rising tide of naught sees. Dig on, we say...

Crak Stuge · itok
Crank Sturgeon · evlav


Odd, no? Yes. Feels like we have been here in this error in an ageist prior doom. Yet our finger knows in the up down motions of advanced angst that little by little the panic could be supplanted by a picnic to which the-they are feasting on our innards and spines used for autocratic home design. In this face, full on frontal and bull's sigh, nothing can remain faint hearted, and certainly not offering any leverage or brevity for the jeering red hat red hatred hat red. A few sprinkles continue despite and in spite of purity testing and glum reports of cannibals, and so we take to scribbling theatrical scores like we did with Marcel back in the beforetimes. Click the cryptic writing style below for an AI rendering of the human hand, plus a better depiction vested for later hewn divestment practices and fut.communes dot lump. Our sonics maintain certain as fuck, as well as their swollen squeals, mumble shanties, and way-eared wonderment, the kind we like, with nary a feign fretting for the unlikeable countenances in the shoeless dew of mediations and populairs contested.

Crankdeturgeon · untile
Canker Surgeon · additional fundy

As it continues, so it proceeds.

We are on a self perpetuating chin, searching for a nubbin or a boil, perhaps a mole or lair or hired hair to act as sentry entrance fee fighter and lounge singer, clinging to blue bell legging and sanded with a finicky caretake or seven, thrice theft haven obvious, and portals hake fretting to inlet lester, blustering ploot finishings and handsoap pithy patter, too soon to air and also more incline, please, needed as should not be overly insipid, spied, pillow bitten preen, yet and tights worn radar phobic, glasses spilled into lens lenders and realtor extra syllabic, four or more, echoing evening guile, maybe a detective tan implied mustard stinking fever chew, amplified tool bureau betrayal coddled spun lever blinking yeahs and clobber frosting shy away from the plain, palace, peace, and meaning well it has to slappen, feathers faked for torn winch, benchborer loops and tinsel seeing were it for the beaten, they will, mind the pants, besot despotic low ball alto rich kind of spell, and hack to hew the ruling ass, as it were, not an exploration of time but one of several commas in a blow to said facial, ongoing goiter garble westwater quest instead of strident why into bobbins, coils, star-nosed wired fair fab jabs in both arms, mind the signature, curve it innerlike, make it create an appearance of passable clear, in so being what we wear went through dirt mines and calliope rent, loping free may wont to figure spires and comfort shoes, matching hatch tea men elle, and lose the azure to a tome squandered hunker system.

Crnkturgeonsa · frostclobber

Indeedily. The placement of fun in fundamental has us in a gibbery to and fro, come mid month we should say. The following swallows depict the friction between autumnal hey hey and our homestead efforts meant to measure something or other, but nothing in particular, for instance: a one of a recording for our pal, Hal; a dandy brand new bandy camper release; the usual what, who? videos, dot dot dot, and other gesture jabs into or at and around the somnambulent membrane. The following ensure some summarily bespoken endeavors, and so, slink on in with something spicy, and remember to keep yr noggin at a warily wince.

personal transmission series · Crank Sturgeon gets all sea cucumber with Hal McGee

Crank Sturgeon · government sanctioned art


Octubers have started, and with that, seasonal twixt and slabs that often feel conducive to abherent tweaks, what with the temperature gauge drooping and gaggling along themes of leaf leaving. The whole lot has us tryna stay uni-tied to this species and mustering strengths to not scoff or cough too cynically. Borage is required, and we know the type, or you might, at least insofar as understanding the font, all the while sending the rest off to printing and mimeography for further analycism. That being said, a friend notified us of some trrbl software that codeifies one's words into plabs and drivel via gushy centrist turd talk quackery; on its own feels real but, hang on a min, rethink, redo, and one can sniff the artifish. It's good for a deep belly guffaw, this ack of unintell and survility, and yeah, we all fall head over handle to drop the pot and think it's truewww. For giggles, we included some excerpts below via internet playback code and other stroons. Click on the pix, too, for further delve into what the hoary droodle we're balking about. Dig on.

Crank Sturgeonb e v y (fut)

Interesting. We're in and out of contact here, with certain uncertain terms and degrees of temptation, vice, expunging, you know: life. As such, sometimes in our oh shit realizations that a whole lotta swelling has gone down and we're kinda stupid to not notify the passive self of fine docudramas unfolding; we do indeed forget to press rewind, use the pause button, and delve into the curio cabinets. It's a good reminder that this stuff is made, built, created not for the mediations of high sugary instant accolades and Faceblargh fuggery, I mean, f that f'ing f... instead, find it a lot more fun to place audio wires in cool formations, carve weird stuff outa wood and nail it to the wall, and yep, record drawings of breath bird and bowel (and beyond, just like the store). So? As our pal Micha would ask, So? Here's a forgotten link to some forays from 2o22. Click that ugly certifiable below, you'll see.

And, it's a young roll here too, despite the encounterings moreso and wince beget. A fine moment in genre exceptions relays back to us with the following: an old geez captured on film revealing the promises of a key party held in a basement in New Jersey earlier this summer; next, a dictaphone recording (that we still need to transcribe) from a recent meeting with our board of directors, and lastly, an audio slice o' living, imparting something or other, regarding what exactly (who is to say), but at least it plays well with both head handles...

Crank Sturgeontapping .z.

Additionally, it would be regretable were if we to 0mit these abundant little critters, depictions of ground gazing and wheel works, both of whom depict, perhaps, one comma too many, but then again, this is our wh0rl, not 1 for fealty.

Septembryonics roles and (or that) tidily implie(s), we settle in for the werkstage. 0ur 0utput tends towardst lateral swinging guesswhiling - between weather heathering in her heat and burning wholes in fut. matrix ambivalenses so that one does not dither, to the merry stink of speaker elephance elegantly rostering lists and whisps of toon, tung, longing, and where our honey went. In concluding, may we attempt to offer or proffer our content signals to likely smiles and milestorm the binge in forms of excapade elsewhere, place settings that delay the tedium some, the barrel of lum and loutishness, and add a hoary crest to that chinfold stupor which perplexes time with glaring and piety towards trending disaster sores and ticks - and unboxchecks that which we dig on, such as the joyous, this bicorneousness we pledge, and all the bleets of wishlust circle triangle explorations (exclamatory point ed. head). As such here is a recent physicality that we hope, good reader, heralds a molassesy slow projectory towards all the aforementioned infinities and adjacent proximities to multiple forms of mandibility and appendices.

Crank Sturgeonany wire triar

Crank SturgeonYoulookhi

In sum, thusly thusly, we are at it, hard and cored, sticky and squeezing as many iotas from the charitable leftovers from our previous time occupying the barn. The north is the present course of conduct and insulin, adding its threadbare and barebottomed wool and presence every whichway, under the din of fans, transducers, and copious evening chorus from amphibean, bird, and mammal - the turtles don't dally in song, nor are the asp apparent, and that is an alright legislature. We want to ring up our friend, Norton, or have Al come by with the violin... maybe? These are the warm months, afterall. Nor'east bleets and timbres, going back to piezo prayers, celebrating existence minus a whole slew of tidy narcs, snarking wafts, toots and sighs, while we still put on the old bicorn and recite poems about yachts. In the interim, we muster forth these samples as testimony; a pleasure to dabble in the tough fume humidor, and so much more goof vs an impulse to du jour acrid moans.

Crank Sturgeonheck your intake val

Crank SturgeonBump Twice

A placation scheduled for the middle of slumber sent all and each of us a memento token lip askew and riddle plotting dimly-lit greetings as exchanges and intercambios, to which altered the lately recent servile coverups for rug eaters, cops, beards, and an elongated dung - to whom we all sought to err. The following images were all we could muster for the time being, such as it was, and do try at least to rhyme canker with something other than what the idiom sniffles.

Prying sighs would have a memorable inkling, but this time it was adjacent with murmer and slow brines crying to let the old habits grow. It's been a slow read on entering, but the east is like that; a tad smuck and likening its northern wares to holding out rather than letting it loose in a jar while your pajama bottoms were a pinch wide at the gusset and letting too much fare in. Moments like these meant trees had more or less iced you in and the Friday allotment of candy or AYE was marred with dollops of an evening pinkie vs the rectangle we could all hum loons idle whiling with and amongst, let alone care about the carrion in the next aisle over, two seats up from the savior or its uncle in frozen amber or some sort of Walt. Allowance was keen to a party that time, like a minke dorsal or an apathetic sneeze meant to merely intimidate the fattened half of a calf musty letch once crawled forth from the dock or fuck-it in pale or ad reversion, riding a trope of regrets and egret feathers designed for further tears and eye boogers morning defunct and disorganized.

An inclusional delude. Click the pic to lend a skewed view, and introduce yourself to our roster of tenuous water-tasting back in Maine, of a time when we fled with jabs and eerie prospects cross country to a state that nervously grew us up in salt, and then, like sodium chloride, begat an ossification practice. By good scratch we were absolved and dissolved these tenses with rackets and hocks, of which we will assuredly fill the future pat mapping addicts with; and so if that bores a stance of off-pudding, then scribe the highs to this visage of what then?

Well and well, it's been a minutia. Our travels to the hinter and beyond and thems beforetimes memories, coupled with the sinks or stinks of hot tomato recollectional; ultimately things are a grab bag of yeah mementos and pills consumed for tonsil reeking. As it turns out, errs aside and adjacent lessons uncoiled, we too, have been busy, and suchly thus, have decided to deliver a sense of norm by re-scribing sturgeony omens per this particular time stamp. What better than to try and keep a dialogue going, as in, fuck it, here's a bunch of stew we're attempting to cram into the urn and make sense of things. To backpedal a wink, this is what we used to do:
One version

and another rendering

and another

and another

... all in all, all in aid of leaving trails; every upload we do tries to remember to tether to another onager loping in the steppes. One might suggest that a favoured hobbyhorse of ours is that of the embedded link. Make everything clickable, by gums! With that said, make sure thine browser can permit embedded audio, too - a number of years have passed, and the glum proprietary Safari has made it very difficult to listen to all the lovely stuffings we've jammed in amongst the html code. As of this date, which would be mid-May 2o24, we suggest using the Chrome browser while perusing our website. In the meantime, we leave you with these latest exports into the otherly, our latest dishes, so to speak, that is if we're still talking stew.

Crank Sturgeonthermal disengui

Crank Sturgeonsay it like you mind