cramping bland
sowing the err
keeping it lean
but ox & try angles
port & able iotas
you'd best heave
of note, more or or less
a dote, coral tress
ass town clod
with hamburg and flower
(this) round object enclosed
(his) regularity deposed
CIRCLES (entitled)
ardent quirk L's (untitled)
a nice man no's
a lesser son balks
hiss little hoes
between the hills of rattle and ache
a serious way to earn money
and then we have an impoverished theatre
but not on top of his yoke
s/kin condition
those noirs and graze (TDT)
placation is a doughy hay
(es enthralled) T/hiny binders
for taught (minus S) & oic obsermating
a hood chunch linker
location is shunning an erstwhile
winterized footwear; on the pole
long way to the swab
celebrating an afternoon blister
sharing and Karen
barn noise to high plains
rolling asunder, continuing corresponder
a wet November Warsaw (collab w/ XV Parowek)
another wet November Warsaw (collab w/ XV Parowek)
walking click and minus
your internal awl (duet w/ Al Margolis)
a modern popper glandular (duet w/ Fritz Welch)
and a plottist's nonstop hawk (duet w/ Fritz Welch)
A Butte for Huso, one must, eh?
A Butte for Huso, excerpt, for your nibbles
done pluralistic (collab w/ Lineland)
and I cope well, thanks
spelled out and hunkered (ensemble)
live on KPSU (duet w/ PCRV)
another live on KPSU (duet w/ PCRV)
and another live on KPSU (duet w/ Soup Purse
Pie as a Height
happenstance is a warm glum
Shoe me in for a caber, lamb
namesake sez it, Perry C
octopus transistor double bend
nine four days
A peduncle for your rambunctious bunker
messages in the trails, maybe?
parry the longstanding glance
Humming things incapable
something said nicely
Herring Loiter
it really is, actually, now that you think about it, kind of neat
teenage lance potty
implicit plan for expulsion
transmitted in replacement Morse Code
but before you go
wishing you were ear
a film about you
a film about them
a film about us
a film about the west
a film about knowledge
a film about february
a film about june
deposed depot
fingers digging, oolong due
laid over shapely
Apostle crier
man dyspeptic tong
robust & fonted (in a parking lot)
slink & wink
Antiseptic Song
An innocent dimple; a trial for a bluebird yellow, circa then, not tao
thoughts on illicit rubs in corner drug storks
sound of an itch
furry, waah, and tables
pleasure your peasants, too
vzz: explicit and carefug
out on a veto, hammer switch
pis/h rong rong naire hlup
busking for lip rolls
blowing for chin polls
A clinical clatter of clique inklings
Monhag/Ode to the Workin' Mange
scrape it, kuggins
... milt ruse (not good)
taking a LASHING tease
stimulated verve (shit shit shit ah ah ah)
... running about one's house 11.05.06
complicit corporacrat
On the loan departmental lyre
locked up keepsake; a Victorian tale of sin(th)
excerpt from 03 03 03 Half The Beast: Just You and I
Don'tcha know, don'tcha know
Flood ganges
Morte pour
with candor and glower
How many qua's
isn't wart you thank
buttons bye, any hover maine
Celebrain everyfink
trappist mothers...
Wrong key, Reiche
triangulating moment
cheggout those camo pants
huso sightings (gdansk beet)
excerpt from Killing Still Lifes
excerpt from Codger Balks at No Eel(Deal)
You Need It, Then It Comes
Plagues the Lose
Boy, can we count
Quality not quantity
So yeah, like you're spinning shit again
yet not the prettiest occasion minded
Chad and peddy
Nostalgia Beach
Excess and obsess
and secret maps!
that said
many ears a priori
seque; promising
Live in Montpelier (covering "Yesterday")
Been dreaming of toilets
Egad; thine 'rotch
And thinking of loo
And a hole within a whole...
And a home without a far heir
... tome for the holy diver
strutting that meme
no sham in tying