groves in the puttering

Our homecoming reservoir for
drool receptacles & lint shavings.
Scroll down ...

cobbled viking

pottle nike

stubble linking

dopey finking

doplar tinkling

popular shrinking

populus kinky

slops skimping

pimply robertson

simply robespierre

sickled rubdown

rickles rubin

tripled stooping

tickles tubin'

pickle rubble

picnic liable

pike nibble

like nettles

tyke dribble

tick abled

tilled ribald

slide trap

sighed tarp

wide harp

lyle arp

aisle carpal

gila carpool

agile carpet

fragile capra

frank kaprow

frau capella

frazzled capris

frantic capstan

ripened hypes

rippled types

dimpled snipes

stymied gripes

grimy stripes

grazing stipulation

frasier capitulation

brazier corporeal

kaiser caricature

kibble carrion

kite contrary

blight Ontario

fondled car

handled care

righteous Clare

ichthy airy

proto Larry

post siri

worse weary

woolly loaves

poly fauves

donut coors

don't scold

please hold

money shot

sipping pleasure

shipping treasure

iPhony giffed

hen's heather

shy either

bed anthem


forty more

another tongue

posit oft

Ed Auk


resident whoop

dissident whelp

tacky cloak

taking hock

finger num


Reigning Un

moot bile

meant wile

mint will

Moan Lowes


poultry toil

another un


Brain emo

(joshing galoshes)


Truth Fowl

Know vacancies

Oft knot


Ruffled ease


Circular methods


Just the hits

Shitting swells

Hiccup anthems

Cause medic

Wrong equinox

Tall & sum

Little nouns

Tuft tease

Summarily quenched

Having said that...
the jury is still out on the following.

Failing that,
there's always the escape hatch.